Summertime concerts in the park. Classic movies with live orchestra. Studio remakes with sync performances.
What do these have in common? Click tracks. And what do they almost never have? Existing click at a fixed tempo.
This past summer I got a nice work call to help out the Muse/ique Orchestra, featuring music director Rachel Worby. They were planning a program, to be presented in the Los Angeles Arboretum, with a very special singing guest: Frank Sinatra.
No, he didn't need to be rousted from his eternal slumber.
I was sent original studio audio tracks, prepared in a special way: voice and original orchestra separated. There were five classic songs: All the Way, One For My Baby, Strangers In The Night, Thats Life, and My Way.
Using ProTools, and scores provided, I "post-clicked", adding click tracks to match the tempi exactly. In the cases where there were ritardandi or accelerandi, I sometimes used eighth note clicks, just to give the musicians the best possible "handle" on matching exactly.
In the live performance, the conductor and rhythm section heard the click, and the audience heard the voice of Frank among the trees and flowers. A beautiful evening was had by all.
With technology, musianship, and studio experience, Les Brockmann can post-click any existing song or cue. He has years of experience with clients preparing “sync music” of all kinds including lip-synched headliners, dance routines, staged “live plus”, & film scores. Please call or email to inquire about your next show project.